Sunday, September 19, 2010


I've been writing poetry across many years and many experiences. There is little I love more and feel that I have a natural talent expressing. Of course, though, it is not entirely a natural talent. It began with the study of poetry and an inclination to appreciate its extreme methodical nature. I discovered I greatly enjoyed unraveling the mystery of what each poet set out to express, or what I believed s/he set out to express. Each poem seemed like a great mystery for me to pick apart for the sake of my astonishment. Each poem was a gift for me to unwrap and discover. In high school, I received recognition for my ability to dissect and interpret these creative mysteries of word play, and from that point forward, I was in love.

It was only natural that this ability to appreciate and analyze poetry led to a curiosity of my own abilities in manipulating the English language to express thought, emotion and imagination. Thus, I took several poetry writing and interpretation classes in college and studied under a couple of very talented and recognized poets. Unfortunately, these courses were not fully digested until after university life. I dare say, my attempts at being a poet were a sham at this time in my life. I tried. I really did, but I was just too new to the experience and could not aptly convey my emotional depth through my words, due to simple lack of confidence. I like to think that the knowledge had to marinate... but perhaps, my brain had to mature and/or real life experiences needed to unfold for me to experiment and trust that I had something legitimate and, perhaps, interesting to say.

Now, I don't really worry so much that what I write is found interesting. Of course, that notion would be quite lovely, but ultimately, poetry is for me. I want and need to create what I emotionally experience, and nothing else need matter. It is best that I perceive my poetry this way, as is my further interpretation of my word play through music. That shall always be the final step in my poetic endeavors. I do no think I shall share this final step on this blog, but I may include the process of its fruition. It would be nice for me to contemplate upon how the process unfolds, poem after poem.

Well, here goes at my first attempt at publicizing my poetry...