Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bobbles and Blurbs

Been writing a ton of personal stuff lately... not sharing on a blog until I die and my children find it and want to embarrass me from the grave ;) But something is building creatively, as it does.

Flattened, scratching boundaries of glass
Disks, merry-go-round zoopraxiscope.
Frozen, optical illusion dizzy-
Eureka and enforced… pulsing ballerina in the corner.

But no! Jump into his kinetoscope and full-on
Mesmerized by the realness of his reality— oh-oh-oooooo-
Blurred intensity, color infatuation-
Never forget a face, not even a man
She served an ice cream cone once.
Bleach, lingering on fingertips, flips the switch,
And they are 22, mopping floors, flirting under
Fluorescent lights flickering ever so
Slightly suggestive, like a slow, soft kiss on
The cheek from a secret crush and wait...
Then... Run away.

© Copyright 2014, Joanna Brown